
Looks like this is where I'm gonna be putting my schoolwork over the year.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Dream job assignment:

Research and describe a job in the communications technology field and explain how you would utilize the following in your day to day activities within the job. Reference the Ontario Skills Passport website for descriptions of essential skills, and work habits.

Name of Job

Medical Radiation Technologist


all general radiography and fluoroscopy requirements for the hospital

Required Education

Bachelor degree+Medical degree+3 years Medical Radiologist Technology program

Required Experience


Pay Range

85000-500 000

Reason(s) for choosing this job

I like medicine, snow, and money, and this job is in Nunavut and pays extremely good

Fill in the table below use examples that are specific to your chosen job.




reading text

Reading manuals, receiving education, reading machine results

oral communication

Talking to boss, other people in hostpital, other people in 7 people in radiation medicine team

job task planning and organizing

Getting to work, completing assignments/testing

problem solving

If equipment malfunctions, it might need to be fixed or an alternate solution found

finding information

At the begging, referencing manuals will be vital to success.


working safely

When working with radiation, safety measures will have to be observed, such as making sure you don’t get exposes to it.


Will be important with 6 other people on the radiation team, so you know who’s doing what part, like who operates equipment, who does what part of the report etc.


Showing up on time is always important, especially here because you’re part of a small group, so that you can start with your group related task earlier.


Offering to help other people with their job when yours is done to get things done faster

customer service

There isn't really any customer service for this job; its mostly analyzing tests data.


No business skills really required, its mostly other people that make the financial decisions.


In the space below, make a pitch as to why your dream job is the best.

This job is the best because first of all, its in nunavut, which is cool because theres lots of snow and its always cold. It also has a very high starting pay(because its in nunavut), which is good because you get lots of money fast, and it gives you experience so you can get a higher paying job in a place where all your friends live. Its also great because you get to work with radiation and fleuroscopy, so you'll get to learn a lot of new skills and a lot of new pieces of technology. 4th, you'll get to learn the inuit language and culture.5th, I like medicine, and since this job is a medical job, so much the better.

All right, this is my field project #1.
What I did was the one when you transplant audio from one movie to another. I transplanted audio from tom&jerry into a fight scene from die hard.

In case any of you were wondering, how I did this was I took all the clips from the original movie, put them together, then I took the audio from tom&jerry, took them apart into distinct sections, then rearranged them so they fit with the video. Here's a screenshot-

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Does This work?

I've never used a blog, so I'm just gonna fire this message through the system to see if it works. Also, it'll fill up space, because currently I have a title and nothing else.