
Looks like this is where I'm gonna be putting my schoolwork over the year.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Useless Commercial Script

Narrator: Are you tired of the same old boring predictable basketball?

Don’t you just hate how it bounces the same way every time?

[Shows child with bored expression bouncing a basketball up and down]

Narrator: Now what YOU need is the all new oval basketball!

Child: gee whiz! I’m having a blast!

[Shows child bouncing a rugby/football around in gym.]

[Epic action music]

[Child is playing with the ball, dribbling around the court with friends and shooting baskets with it]

Narrator: Are YOU ready for some intense basketball action, with the all new and exciting oval basketball?

[Child point at camera while narrator says YOU]

Narrator: For only 29.99$, this all new and exciting new sports system is all yours to enjoy!

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