
Looks like this is where I'm gonna be putting my schoolwork over the year.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2.5- Proposal/Pitch

    Our campaign will consist of 3 major parts.
1.To get volunteers-Targeting 16-22 year olds who need community service hours/want to help the environment. Ads in schools, volunteer finding sites, local nature areas(conservation/nature centers).

2.To raise funds. Targeting 45+ year olds who are very nature oriented(e.g fishing, hiking, camping, canoeing, etc.). Ads in local nature areas(conservation/nature centers), national parks, nature magazines, local newspaper.

3.To raise awareness. Target everybody. Local nature areas(conservation/nature centers), local newspapers, various magazines, around schools, nature focused webpages/blogs. Various small business with a relaxed feel.

1.      What medium will you be working with? Be specific.

The most common medium we are planning to work with are print ads, because they are more likely to be taken seriously, noticed, and are the only ways to convey the message to our demographic; in local nature areas, parks, and nature focused magazines.

2.      How would you get the message out to the identified demographic?

We feel that the best way to get the message out to our chosen demographic would be through targeting the locations they visit and look at, mainly parks, conservation areas, nature magazines, and specialty nature stores such as for hiking and fishing.

3.      How will you communicate the mission/mandate of the charity through your campaign?

We will mostly be using images of wildlife and especially wetlands, along with short but powerful text describing the destruction of wetlands and death of waterfowl.

4.      What is the core message of your campaign? How will you convey that message?

The core message of our campaign is that the loss of wetlands is detrimental to the health of the land, the ecosystems, and especially aquatic wildlife such as waterfowl. It will be conveyed mostly through images, but also data of the destruction occurring and biased phrases blaming big companies.

5.      Why should your campaign be chosen? What will make your campaign most effective for the chosen demographic? (e.g. My campaign will appeal to Canadian teenagers because...)

Our volunteer portion of the campaign will appeal to teenagers/young adults because a lot of them will need volunteer hours, and especially because it’s a common fact that wildlife and habitats are being destroyed, a lot will want to help these aquatic ecosystems.

Our fundraising portion of the campaign should work relatively well because it is targeted at people who spend a large portion of their time in nature, so they appreciate it and know firsthand what they are trying to save. We are placing ads in national parks and nature areas which they often visit, as well as nature focused magazines that they will most likely be reading, so the message will definitely be heard. Because they are being placed in nature appreciation areas, they will be more likely to view the ads in a positive light of trying to save the environment.

6.      The measure of our success will be, quite simply, the amount of new volunteers and amount of money raised.

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