
Looks like this is where I'm gonna be putting my schoolwork over the year.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Reflection (2.11)

1. The most successful part of our campaign was the continuity between the ads and keeping a sense of familiarity through the use of similar design elements such as layout, color, and typeface choice.

2.The least successful part about our campaign was the abysmal choice of photoshop names.
 Also some of the ads have layouts that don't look entirely professional and could probably be improved with an improved composition.

3.Each ad was carefully made over several classes with lots of feedback from various sources, so overall the project was done very carefully and very close the to the fullest that we did with the allotted time.

4. With the provided marking scheme, it seems that the mark that we deserve is in the high 90s.
The file we completed can be found in groupwork under "duck group marking scheme.pdf"

Campaign Ad Sumbmission

Revision (2.10)

The first thing that we did to improve the feel of our campaign, as per suggestion from our peers, was to unify the bottom bar and text color choices throughout all the advertisements to give them a more cohesive feel.
Another thing that was done to improve the looks of our ads was various small changes to make the ads look more clean and professional, such as removing the xs on the eyes and removing various strokes and reducing the size of drop shadows.
As per Mr.Bishop's suggestion, the placement of the text and alignment was also changed to be more unified throughout the ads and to make the layout look cleaner and easier to read.

Charity Research (2.4)

  1. Their conservation efforts are part of a bigger conservation approach that spans across Canada, the United States and Mexico. Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is a part of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP). The objective of this international conservation program is restoring waterfowl populations to average levels enjoyed in the 1970s.
  2. The charity operates primarily through the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, raising awareness for their programs, and using donatiosn to help governments put in place policies to protect wetlands and waterfowl.
  3. DUC is primarily based in Stonewall, Manitoba
  4. DUC operates on a continental scale, working with organizations in U.S.A and Mexico to help preserve waterfowl population across North America.
  5. Their current advertisemetn and awareness strategies involve the use of infographics, and are focused heavily towards the older generations that can be involved in politics to help put protective policies in place.
  6. I am not part of the target demographic, so I cannot say from personal experience that they are good because I have seen their ads(I have not), however the ads themselves are very well designed, informative, and persuasive, and the only thing that DUC needs is a way to get them seen more, as well as an angle to get the younger generation involved.
  7. The communication to the public could be improved most easily by increased exposure to the public. The actual advertisements they have are very well designed, they are just not very often seen by their target demographic.
  8. The demographic that mostly supports the charity are older people who are very interested in nature and do not want to see it destroyed. For the donation portion of our campaign, this is also the demographic that will be targeted, but also younger people for awareness and volunteering purposes.