
Looks like this is where I'm gonna be putting my schoolwork over the year.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Infographics project

Here is my infographics project of the 10 fastest cars in the world. The further they are from the finish line, the proportionally slower they are.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Field Assignment#8

Create a drawing with only type.
I tried to make a truck. It didn't work too well. I got a line image on photoshop, then I used symbols to cover the lines as well as I could.

Field Assignment#7

Make A Tribute To Someone In The Class
I made a tribute to Brandon, perfecting his look in photoshop

Field Assignment#6

Carry Out An assignment from www.learningtoloveyoumore.com
the assignment that I did was "reread your favorite book from grade 5"

The assignment started off like this: Me trying to find the actual book, because I remembered very few things about it, and definitely not the name. Pretty much the only things I remembered was it was called "Airborne" or something like that, and I thought that the author was Kenneth Oppel, which is why I had a lot of trouble finding it. At first, I googled what I remembered, but with no avail. Then, I made some posts on my favorite forums, and even after more than 30 posts I couldn't find the book I was looking for. I looked on a list of all the books Kenneth Oppel wrote, and although he did write a book called "Airborn", It wasn't the one I was looking for. Determined to find the book that I was looking for, I went to the library and looked through every book they had. After looking for more then 2 hours, of looking at plot summaries and books, I finally found what I was looking for. It was called "Airman", and it was by Eoin Colfer, which Is why I got it confused, because those 2 are my favorite authors. As soon as I found the book, I signed it out, went home, and got myself a lot of apples, and lied down and read the whole thing in 8 hours. It was a very good book, and It was strange realizing how much of I forgot over the 5 years I haven't read it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Field Assignment#5

Make a regular object look fat

Field Assignment#4

Use a piece of open-source software and explain your experience

The piece of open source software that I decided to try was linux, specifically Ubuntu 11.10. The first thing I did was check which partitions were being used by windows, and which weren't, so that I knew which partition to install Ubuntu on. I loaded up the Ubuntu CD and got to the installation menu. I selected which partition to put it on, and I also put the boot loader on the same partition, so that Instead of using grub I could use easyBCD to boot up linux. I entered everything, and it started installing. After it installed, I went back on windows to configure easyBCD. After I got everything working, I rebooted my PC and started up linux. It was working fine, until I realized that my video card was too new and that linux didn't support the drivers for it. I then proceeded to wipe the partition with linux clean and reconfigure easyBCD for 1 operating system.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Field Assignment#3

Use an old piece of technology

Two days back, I used the oldest and most ancient piece of technology of all.... The VCR!!!!
What ended up happening that fateful day is when I was looking for cables in the basement, I came across an ancient relic.... Wondering what it could be, I wiped all the dust off it, to find an antique piece of video playback.. "technology". Completely intrigued by what this obsolete piece of plastic could do, I quickly found some wires(was hard because we only had 1 set that wasn't HDMI), and connected it to my 55' HDTV. I tried putting a bluray into it, but with no avail. DvDs didn't work either. However, I quickly figured that probably the 15 year old cassette cartoons were the ones that this antique could play. I put them in, and with a very relieving "click... whirrr whirr whirr" the cassette was accepted. By the way, I had a laugh at it saying 480P high definition. I watched the entire tom sawyer cartoon in true 480p HD, then decided that I like blu-ray more.